Returns & Refunds Policy

Returns & Refunds

You can cancel your order (or any part of it) at any stage before the products are dispatched to you, and up to 30 days afterwards. You need to contact us before returning any products for a refund or exchange.

If you cancel your order before it has been dispatched, we will issue a full refund straight away.

If you decide to cancel an order after we have despatched the product(s), it will be your responsibility to return the ordered items back to us. All such products should be returned via recorded/registered mail within 30 days after the products have been delivered to you. Until such time as they are returned, you must retain possession of the products and take reasonable care of them. You should return the products to us unused and in the same condition in which you received them together with the original product packaging. Our return address can be found on the contact us page.

After you cancel your order and return the products, any sum debited for the products will be refunded to your credit card / debit card. We will notify you of your refund via e-mail within two working days. We will usually refund any money received from you using the same method originally used by you to pay for your purchase. Refunds for products purchased as gifts can only be given to the credit/debit card of the person who placed the order. We will usually process the refund due to you as soon as possible and, in any case, within seven days of receiving the order back from you.

We are unable to process your refund or exchange until we receive the product back. We strongly advise that you obtain a proof of postage receipt when sending your item back to us. You will also need to pay for any further shipping costs if you are exchanging an item.

If any product you purchase is damaged, faulty or incorrect, when delivered to you we may offer an exchange or refund as appropriate, in accordance with your legal rights. If you believe a product is faulty, you should return the product to us after contacting us. If you have any questions regarding returns, please contact us.

We cannot cancel/refund your purchase when you return your product in a used condition, if the outer plastic seal on a perfume spray has been removed, it cannot be returned back to us, if you purchase any perfume oils and have tried a little (a drop or two) and don’t like it, we are perfectly happy in refunding or exchanging the item.

This return policy doesn’t affect your legal rights.

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